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The theory of relativity as well as any other scientific theory cannot be considered as a certainty established once and for all, which cannot be mistaken, hor as a theory which will never prove wrong in some respect. Each theory is an approximate reflection of reality and its application is of limited use for various reasons. At present a considerable number of scientists speculate that the theory of relativity (the special theory as well as the general one) is wrong, when applied in case of very small distances (significantly smaller than the presumed size of "elementary" particles). There are obvious reasons to assume, that the theory of relativity can be inapplicable, when applied to extremely large areas of space of order of presumed size of universe (up to the areas, where the "red shift" becomes quite considerable). One should be prepared for its critical revaluation and its eventual replacement for a more exact theory. It can be radically different from the theory of relativity. That itself differs from the Newtonian mechanics.

First, the topic of the paper is very difficult as the one concerns very special knowledge based on less known experiments (Harres) and less accessible ones (Fizeau). Meanwhile present physicists very difficult eliminate prejudice caused by the former convoluted thinking (using old, outdated terms, that do not precisely correspond with the substance).

Therefore the paper will surely be clear to people not necessarily expert in special relativity.

The new theory is so clear, simple and understandable, the results, Consequences 1 and Consequences 2 are in such a magnificent harmony with facts and experiments in physics that there can be no one who would not become enthusiastic about it.

I would like to ask the reader to transform himself or herself into an entirely unprejudiced researcher without prejudice required by Einstein’s special theory of relativity, starting out from Einstein’s vicious circle (item 1.1.1.). If the reader achieves that, he or she will comprehend the paper. But if the reader remains in Einstein’s vicious circle, he will never manage it. It is necessary to give up of such terms as inertial systems (new term - equivalent system, item 1.2.4.)), ether (new term - medium, item 1.2.1.)), local time, covariant equations, physical definition of simultaneity, invariant interval, Lorentz transformation equations...

It is very difficult to eliminate the above terms if one has been using them for years (I have my own experience with this). Yet if one is indeed able to manage that, he or she will find a superb clarity and simplicity in understanding off all paradoxes derived from the theory of relativity (paradox of twins, length shortening by motion ...).

The paper is long, because it deals with principles of physics, from the works of Newton through Maxwell, Huygens, Einstein up to the present times. It contains a number of experiments and outputs which should prove a test to the work. Who reads the paper in parts only, he or she must always face recognized imperfect theories, because they serve him as a criterium for its evaluation. Hence, the work should be read as a whole.

The topic of the paper is difficult and demanding. It requires patience and tolerance in understanding new yet unusual terms and results, which are, however, real and logical. I believe that it will entice the reader (who will come to understand the magnificence of the theory, mainly the Consequences 1, 2, containing the radius of force reach of particles, cross-section ...) and through the reader, most physicists, who will read this paper.
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