Coming out from the motto we are going to revalue the experiments of Fizeau, Harres, Kaufmann, Michelson-Morley, which gave rise to Einstein's special and general theory of relativity. All these experiments are revalued from the point of view of the submitted new theory of relativity based on the new definition of medium, the new generalized law of inertia, the new law of propagation of light (waves, intensity), the new definition of equivalent coordinates system, the new principle of relativity. It has been derived the asymmetric form of intensity of the electric field of moving charge at the velocity of 0.001c-c. The theoretical values resulting from the new theory are compared with the experimental Kaufmann's values. It is affirmed the general validity of Maxwell's equations (not only in statics).
The results of Fizeau's and Harres' experiments prove the theory of non-linear form of interference field in moving medium without the drag coefficient. There are mentioned the correct relations for Doppler's effect. In the results of the theory there is outlined the possible generalization for the fields, in which the speed of propagation is finite. For the gravitational field there is outlined the way of getting off the Earth by means of rotation. It is explained the new determination of energies and velocities of particles for nuclear field. There are mentioned the relations for energy and the calculations of the radius of moving particles force reach.