O jednu úroveň vyššie

Mgr. Ľubomír Vlček

New Trends In Physics

The book has all signs...
It wants to be a comprehensible text-book for everybody,
at the same time it wants to serve as a bridge between physics and philosophy,
it wants to be also valuable from scientific, especially physical and mathematical viewpoints,
but it wants to be also a bestseller at the same time...

Author (on left) with brother on 10-th. GENERAL KONFERENCE
European Physical Society EPS 10 in Sevilla (9.-13. September 1996)

Ľubomír Vlček, 086 01 Rokytov, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, e-mail: lubomir.vlcek@gmail.com

Faculty of Production Technologies with residence in PREŠOV
The Department of Informatics, Mathematics and Physics
Plzenská 10
080 01 PREŠOV

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